Rachael Young — Artist Development
When: Knotty 2020: Fragments of a Festival (online)
Link: Full Knotty 2020 Programme
Home Live Art is currently supporting the artist Rachael Young on the development of new work.
Rachael Young is an award-winning artist and writer. Her interdisciplinary performance practice exists on the boundaries between live art, dance, contemporary theatre and socially engaged projects.
Her work creates spaces for intersectional realities to be explored and celebrated and for alternative narratives and forms to evolve and be heard.
Rachael’s most recent show NIGHTCLUBBING has received critical acclaim and been performed throughout the UK including at the White Rock Theatre as part of the Knotty Festival of Perfomance 2019 in Hastings.
Part of New Fragments, a bursary programme set up to support artists to develop their practice and enable them to continue their work during lockdown. Supported by Diverse Actions.
Rachael Young by Marcus Hessenberg
OUT with Marikiscrycrycry
Image credits: Header image taken by Alice Denny all other images by Marcus Hessenberg